October 29, 2006

Conquered thoughts

So, I did it today. Ran 10km without stopping, with less whining in the beginning, and with my legs still intact. The gals and I met up bright and early at 6:30am and headed straight to the Padang for warm-ups. First thing we noticed - PA has rather strong org spirit (no, not referring to some ghost or alcohol).

The route was longer and tougher than I expected - afterall, I never ran more than 8km prior to this and I always entertained the urge to just stop and give my poor body a break. Hah. Not this time. I fought the monsters in my head and told myself to not let the legs stop chugging. Chug along, chug along...

Helped that I was focused on my breathing and a certain derriere belonging to a runner 3m in front of moi. No, her cheeks were not particularly alluring or what (couldn't tell from the loose shorts anyway)...but I just had to keep my eyes from looking too far ahead as it would get me all demoralised finding out how far I really was from the endpoint. Yeah, I know. Weird.

Anyways. We all did great (: Last note - exercise does release endorphins. Woo hoo!


Anonymous said...

FWAH. You steady one. *take my pretty frilly hat off* Hope you rewarded yourself - but not too much! Kee hee hee.

- Audra -

Whiner said...

Yeeeeah *flexes* grrrrr... You might want to know I gorged myself that very night cos it's my marmee's burpday. Hmmm. Oh well :p

Anonymous said...
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Whiner said...

eh? Ian! I'm sorry I deleted your comment by accident....heh I'm still trying to get used to this blogger platform.

hahaha anyway, endorphins are compounds which our body produces after strenuous exercise and "resemble the opiates in their abilities to produce analgesia and a sense of well-being". They are responsible for the good feelings one gets from after running ("runners high")(taken from trusty ol' Wikipedia)

Anonymous said...

wah lau... dun like me just say lah... heh... ah ok.. explains why i enjoyed outrunning that silly indian guy the other day when i was at my 7km mark when he was just starting out and trying to overtake me... heh heh